Why is there a shortage of motorcycle clothing for women?

Why is there a shortage of motorcycle clothing for women?

Posted by Raimonda Grigaite-Kjeldsen on

Protective motorcycle clothes has been a struggle for women for many years, where female riders were forced to compromise their safety, comfort and style by wearing men’s apparel or choosing clothing that do not represent their personalities or needs.

While lady motorcycle clothes is still a challenge for some, good news are that the situation is changing, industry is becoming more welcoming for female riders, and we all can enjoy more safe, functional, and great looking motorcycle clothes for us, ladies.

While sometimes feels like women mc clothes in motorcycle shops and dealers are still the minority and manufacturers only focus on men, we can guarantee that there is a great amount of effort put into designing and creating women’s protective gear as well. So why there still is a difference?

Let us provide you some insights that might shine the light on a situation.

 Five women with motorcycles


While female riders are the fastest growing demographics within motorcycling, the difference in the market size is still enormous when it comes to business. Men riders are the majority of the motorcycle world with the numbers of female motorcyclists varying from 10% to 20% in different countries. While we truly wished it was different, we also have to understand that many businesses play according to the rule of demand, which in this case still dictates the rule for more focus on men.


Oh those beautiful female bodies! We love our lines, curves and edges and know they deserve the best protection when on the bike. However, while our shapes and different sizes are empowering, creation of clothing for them is not always the easiest part! Women clothes require more attention, more variants and more sizing options than men’s do, which makes it more challenging for brands and manufacturers to create that perfect piece.

Shopping needs & habits

Women are definitely more selective when it comes to clothing. We want clothes to fit well, look great and, ideally, match our bikes 😉 And we are absolutely right! Life is too short for the boring, blended looks and standing out in a crowd is what we do well! This however means that women motorcycle clothes require more attention to detail, more research, longer and more careful design process, as well as potentially higher costs.


Despite of the above, there are brands and manufacturers who take on the challenge and bring our love to motors together with latest fashion trends, so providing us with an opportunity to have a safe, well fitted, and of course stylish, motorcycle gear! MotoGirl, Eudoxie or Black Arrow Label – only a few names that have proven to stand for women with a clear mission and goals – make lives of us, lady bikers, a better and more beautiful place.


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